Content: Start Writing It Now

One of my favorite things about my job is being the first face you meet when you decide to partner with Terrostar on your web project! Whether it’s a small or large site with deep functionality or a very simple design, I get to be the first person on my team to hear about your vision and goals. At the end of our initial discussion, I tell each prospective client the same thing, “Whether you choose to partner with our agency or not, let me give you some hints to help expedite this process for you.”
Hint 1: Start gathering your content…NOW
Content: The words on the page, the taglines, product and service descriptions, company history, etc. Start writing it…now! Soon after you accept your proposal and meet with our team, you’ll be presented with a navigation structure. This flowchart is the perfect framework for you to begin collecting and creating your content. Don’t be self-conscious about your writing style; we can help you make it sound pretty later. Just start working on it as soon as you can. We’ve watched projects hang in limbo for months due to a lack of content so be prepared to channel your inner Edgar Allen Poe and we’ll be there to provide you with some tools along the way to help!
Pro-tip: If you belong to any national organizations or accreditation agencies, chances are they have some pre-populated content tools that you can copy and paste!
Where are your account credentials?
You approved your design quickly, you submitted your content on time, you proofread your prototype. You were on the ball every step of the way! GOOD FOR YOU! Now…let’s launch this thing. Where did you buy or register your domain? If you have a current site, where is it being hosted? Do you have your current content management system (CMS) login? As a general rule, you should always have access to the platforms that keep your website alive from the very beginning. I’ve met with way too many business owners whose website managers has up-and-disappeared with their account credentials and no way to get a hold of them. So always have the passwords and access to your account platforms to ensure a swift launch with no hiccups!
Even though I just gave you my playbook, I’d still like to chat with you if you’re thinking about updating your web presence to stay competitive online! My content lectures to prospective clients are really riveting…so give me a call and hear one for yourself!