Find the Efficiency Sweet Spot

Who doesn’t want a quick, streamlined website development project from start to finish? I think it is pretty simple. Most everyone looking to accomplish a web development project would like to make it as quick and painless as possible. As a small agency, we understand the value of efficiency. So, we want each of our projects to find that efficiency sweet spot.
As a designer who has worked with a variety of clients, I have found a few things to be helpful along the way. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you jump start a healthy, efficient website partnership…starting with the design.
Trust your designer.
I know what you’re thinking, “Easy for you to say, you’re the designer.” I don’t say this to tout my mad skills. Rather, I say this to help you avoid frustration as your project nears the design stage. There are going to be many times in the design process where you won’t be able to see every template mock-up. We do this to help move the project along.
This is where the trust comes in. As an agency we have worked with many clients from a wide range of companies. This variety is how we’ve built our experience and expertise in website design. We know it’s easy for our clients to get into the weeds with a design. By having us make some of the executive decisions on particular design features, we find our projects stay on schedule and our clients walk away with a website they’re proud of.
Don’t be shocked if you see a design you don’t like.
Part of our website design process is to meet with your team and figure out what makes your company tick. We discuss your goals and your inspirations. This helps us build a blueprint for your digital brand. One of the best ways to communicate your design visions is to describe what you do and don’t like. This makes the design process go that much smoother. By compiling inspiration sites, your company’s brand guidelines, and personal preferences you are helping the designer create a design your team will truly love. This in turn helps you to avoid long rounds of revisions, and delays.
By communicating your web design preferences, and trusting in your designer, you are setting the tone for an efficient, streamlined project. Now, let’s get started on your next project!