Dohrn Transfer’s Award Winning Website

Transportation and Integration
Between the hustle of developing new websites and the strategic commotion of maintaining them, we tend to forget to celebrate our successes! But, this month, my fellow web enthusiasts, we’re taking the entire month of May to blog about some of our recent award-winning websites. In particular, I’ll be touching on some of my favorite things about the double-award-winning (that’s right, TWO!) Dohrn Transfer Company website.
Website Design for Positive User Experience
The Dohrn Transfer website was actually one of the first website projects that I got to see from start to launch here at Terrostar. I remember my first meeting with them. I felt slightly overwhelmed as they told me about all of the auxiliary services, feeds, and tools that would need to be integrated in to the new website. Little did this young web pup know; our talented team and our agile platform could handle whatever I was about to throw at them. First came design – where our lead designer, Stephanie, took a very traditional industry and made it look fresh, clean, and modern on-screen. Clean white space paired with some unique accents and visual treatments sets this website apart from the rest in their industry.
Through careful consideration and several strategic conversations, we restructured the navigation items to make it easy for both drivers and customers to find exactly what they’re looking for on the website using any device or platform! Next came development. Our lead developer, Ryan, married the design with all of the functional requirements and auxiliary services that Dohrn requires to run their business day in and day out. He did it all while honoring the integrity of the design that helps set this transportation company apart from others online!
Dohrn’s Website Won Silver and Gold
When it comes to selecting which sites to submit for awards, we consider not only the site itself, but also the category. Which category is going to allow us to display our best work? Is there a category or categories where we can show how versatile our work is? Which category allows us to show our ability to take traditionally drab or boring website and re-imagine it in a fresh, clean and beautiful virtual doorway to our client’s business?
Web enthusiasts, I give you, a proud recipient of a W3 Silver Award, and a Gold Davey Award in 2018. We love working with this web partner and are very grateful for their trust in our team to deliver an award-winning website!